Is Your Tree Healthy?

Pin Oak tree leaves
The trees have just pushed out their new leaves. Is your tree healthy, stressed or doing well? Now is a great time to look at the crown (the outside 10%) of a tree. This should be where the new life is and the color be most intense.

Compare. How does your maple tree look compared to the neighbors maple tree? Is your tree thin, or a different shade of green? How fast was it to leaf out? Did your tree lag behind a week? Trees are taking all of their energy to push out the leaves. If the tree is weak, the leaves push slower.

What Causes Tree Stress? Many factors affect trees. The stress on a tree may not show up until 3-5 years later! Drought, soil compaction from excavating, insects (like Lantern Flies), too much water, root problems and fungus are all examples of conditions that stress a tree.

Does tree stress kill a tree? No. Just because it does not rain for 3 months, does not mean that all the trees are going to die. However, no rain, along with Lantern Flies and maybe construction compaction may be enough to put the tree in the state of decline.

Enjoy today. Take a walk outside and look at your trees. Give us a call at Martin Tree Service today to plan for summer tree work.